Medical and Academic Supporters

Professor Peskin’s ground-breaking discoveries in the science of Parent Essential Oils (PEOs) have inspired many physicians and medical researchers to get his message out to the public. Below are a few of Brian’s supporters.

  • Bradford S. Weeks, M.D. (Onco-Immunologist)
  • David Sim, M.D. (Interventional Cardiologist)
  • F. Hajjar, M.D. (Pediatric Cancer Specialist)
  • Stephen Cavallino, M.D. (Emergency Physician, Reggio Emilia, Italy)
  • Clive Fields, M.D. (Family Practice)
  • Robert Nemer, D.O. (Cosmetic Laser Physician)
  • Amid Habib, M.D. (Diabetic Endocrinologist – specializes in Pediatric Endocrinology, pediatric diabetes)
  • Charles Jannuzi (Articulatory Phonology, University of Fukui, Japan)
  • Bernardo C. Majalca N.D. (Stage Four Cancer Researcher)
  • Abram Ber, M.D. (Homeopathic Physician/Preventive Medicine)
  • Richard Thompson, D.C. (Family Practice)
  • Angelo A. Della Pietra, M.D., D.O. (Family & Integrative Medicine)
  • Brian N. Vonk, M.D. (Board certified: Internist, Cardiologist, Radiologist)


Site Disclaimer

The views expressed on this web site represent the personal opinion of Brian Peskin based on his years of research, and some conclusions may be contrary to popular opinion.

Brian Peskin earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.). He received an appointment as an Adjunct Professor at Texas Southern University in the Department of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (1998-1999). The former president of the University said of Brian’s discoveries: “…His nutritional discoveries and practical applications through Life-Systems Engineering are unprecedented.” Brian founded the field of Life-Systems Engineering Science in 1995. This field is defined as The New Science of Maximizing Desired Results by Working Cooperatively with the Natural Processes of Living Systems.